Insurance Guide eBook Cover

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance is compulsory for employers in all states and territories within Australia that provides compensation for an employee(s) in the event of an injury in the course of their employment.

  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation

This policy is designed to assist the injured worker to return to work as soon as possible following the injury. Premiums are generally calculated based on your industry segment and business activities, number of employees, annual estimated gross wages and claims history.

You must have a policy if you employ workers and:

  • Your annual remuneration is more than $7,500, or you believe that it will be more than $7,500, or
  • You employ apprentices or trainees.

If you hire a contractor to perform work, this person may actually be a worker, or deemed to be a worker, under some contracts. If the contractor you hire is deemed to be a worker, you must include some or all of the money you pay this person in your estimate and certification of rateable remuneration.

Guidelines for whether a contractor is deemed to be a worker are available on the government WorkSafe website in your relevant state.

Each state and territory has different workers compensation requirements, details of which can be found on the government WorkSafe website.

Private Insurers

ACT – Australian Capital Territory
TAS – Tasmania
NT – Northern Territory
WA – Western Australia

Agents for Government Funds

NSW – New South Wales
SA – South Australia
VIC – Victoria

State Government Scheme

QLD – Queensland


Change in workplace activity

If the predominant businesses activity at a workplace changes, you must advise the insurer within 14 days of the change.


Report an injury

If someone is injured at work, or they become sick because of their work, it should be reported to the employer within 24 hours and the worker should seek immediate medical attention.

A worker should report their injury or illness to the employer, whether they intend to make a claim for workers compensation or not. An injury or illness can be reported verbally or in writing. If a worker is unable to make a report, one can be made by a representative such as a family member or friend.

It is the business owner’s responsibility to ensure that all employees are aware of this requirement.

If there is a claim, the employer must contact their Insurance Company or Broker as soon as possible via email or phone so that the claim can be lodged with the insurer in time. A claim form must be completed and submitted electronically or via fax.


Legislation for lodgement in each state

The legislation for time-frames for employers to report workers compensation claims to their insurer varies in each state.

Please see below for state-by-state requirements. An excess will be due and there may be an additional premium added upon renewal, if the claim is not lodged within the below timeframes:

State Employer to Notify Insurer
New South Wales Within 48 hours
Victoria Within 10 calendar days
South Australia Within 5 calendar days
Western Australia Within 5 working days
Tasmania Within 3 working days
Northern Territory Within 3 working days
Australian Capital Territory Within 48 hours, lodge form within 7 days
Queensland Within 6 months


Register of Injuries

All employers are responsible for maintaining a Register of Injuries. Employers are required to keep a Register of Injuries that is readily accessible in the workplace. The Register of Injuries is a current record of any injuries suffered by workers, whether they result in a claim or not.