Insurance Guide eBook Cover

Management Liability Insurance

Protect your assets from costly legal bills

As a company director, you are personally liable for the decisions you make every day and just as importantly, for the decisions you don’t make. Company directors are increasingly under the microscope from regulatory authorities, shareholders, customers and other third parties in respect of their overall management of company affairs. Today’s legal environment shows us that private company directors are just as vulnerable as their counterparts in the public company arena. Even if not a director by title, anyone involved in the management of a company can be personally exposed. Just one lawsuit or criminal scheme may be enough to send a vigorous, growing business crashing into bankruptcy.

How to protect your personal assets from your business exposures

Your accountant can do clever things to protect your assets, but is this really a watertight solution?

The most cost effective solution at present is Management Liability Insurance – a product specifically designed to provide protection for private companies and their directors and officers. It combines traditional Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance with several other policies, to provide a broad range of covers for company mismanagement under the one policy, including:

  • Directors & Officers Liability Insurance (protection for personal assets)
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance (claims from employees)
  • Fidelity Guarantee Insurance (Fraud/embezzlement)
  • Statutory Liability Insurance (Fines and Penalties from regulatory bodies)
  • Defence Costs (Legal costs in defending claims)
  • Official Investigation and Enquiries Costs (Regulatory bodies investigations)
  • Occupational Health & Safety (legal defence costs for potential breaches of OH&S)
  • Taxation audit expenses (professional fees incurred responding to an audit)

Types of Claims Covered

In today’s litigious environment, no business relationship is free of risk. Type of claims covered include claims from:

  • Government agencies (such as ASIC, APRA or ATO)
  • Employees
  • Competitors
  • Investors
  • Creditors
  • Defence costs
  • Cover for breach of WH&S
  • Fines and penalties

This is an affordable insurance solution for private companies.